Update! Ajira Landing posts have all been updated to include a detail of Hydra locations and travels.

TheLOSTmap is a site dedicated to mapping the Island of Lost, as seen of the hit ABC television show LOST. Not only are the items of interest located, but also journeys throughout the island are traced and color coded so fans can follow their favorite LOSTIE as they travel throughout the Island.  Also, every day in seasons four, five, and six are detailed not only in maps, but with a synopsis of that day. This provides a great timeline that people can use to follow all aspects of LOST. Eventually every day will be detailed and provided not only a map, but also a synopsis for people to follow.

Select a Tab across the top of this page or along the right hand side for six seasons of locations and journeys.

Also available is reference material and odd LOST findings (see Turbulence tab).

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please click the comment link and post your comment. All comments will be responded to.

Last update April 12, 2011- Ajira Landing -Day One through Day 14


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Se l'anonimo che ha fatto il commento il 14 aprile accetta un suggerimento da un anonimo italiano come lui, gli propongo di vedere ella sezione "The LOST map" la mappa contrassegnata con la lettera T 01/09.
Si riferisce al Flash one (2002/2004) e in rosso è riportato la possibile posizione dell'aereo dei narcos con a bordo la salma del prete fratello.......

TheLostMap said...

Thank you Anon of April 18th. I don't speak Italian, so I could not answer his question.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, cool map. But atleast one thing is wrong.

The barracks folk watch the plane crash. They are looking south on your map. The plane flies west to east then, the tail breaks off first and falls, the fuselage continues on.

SO the fuselage should be on the east side of the island and the tail on the west, right?

TheLostMap said...

The barracks folks are looking east toward Flight 815. The plane is flying in NW direction. The tail section lands off the coast on the eastern part of the island and the fuselage continues onto the western coast of the island. The following link should clear things up. Hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

The thing that proves this, on the site you gave me, is a red line that curves it there. Other than this read line, cleverly drawn, what evidence is there that the plane curves all the way around and back the other way? If you recall, Ethan was pretty confident in the way he was runnning, which was not back west, but towards the smoke that you mark as the other engine. I guess I'll go over the explanation site again, but it looks dubious.

TheLostMap said...


I think the best thing you could do to convince yourself either way would be to review the scene of flight 815 breaking up yourself. If you are convinced that the diverging plumes of smoke are the tail section and the fuselage, then my map may not work for you.
The red arc that you are referring to is titled "Possible route of Flight 815", as I could not possibly know the true route, but it is an educated guess based on an estimated bank angle and speed, as well as the perspective from the Barracks.
We do know that the tailies landed on the east side of the island (they traveled south with the Ocean on their left hand side per Sawyer/Locke discussion)and the fuselage landed on the west side of the island.
If you have anything to discount the crash sites of any other of my placements, I would be eager to hear them, as it may lead to the map being more accurate.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answer. I still like this map. Very dedicated. All the best

bobou said...

good work
thank you !!

Durandal said...

how sure are you on the location of the hydra island? are you sure it is not one of the pre existing islands? and why is their no volcano on russuos old map? i get why u put it there. i just want to know why u think it wasent on hers

TheLostMap said...


I'm very confident of the area where I posted Hydra. I may tweak the location a bit on my next update. I'm working on the shape of Hydra. We've already seen Hydra a few times from a distance. It's mountains are at least 600' high, but it's footprint is fairly small, about .0625 square miles.

View of Hydra from Raft There are some small islets shown on Rousseau's map to the north of where I show Hydra, but I've never seen them and don't think they are above water.

As far as the volcano is concerned, I believe there was one already on the map. At the most south-western point, I think this is an extinct volcano. As far as the one I placed, I believe it wasn't on Rousseau's map simply because it had not existed at the time the map was drawn. Rousseau certainly didn't draw these maps, and I'm curious how she came into possession of them. The maps are probably 150-200 years old (The whale on the map is typical of old whaling maps). Rousseau may have marked the map, and may have drawn the elevation view, buts that's it.
On the original map there is a large crevice at the location where I show the volcano. I believe that after the map was drawn, this crevice formed a volcano. I tried to explain this on the map itself.
I'm surprised you understand why I put it there. Screen shots of that area show a volcano.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

beautiful map!
but... when have you heard about those "rivers extremely dangerous"?? who said that? and what are the episodes in which these are referred and/or seen? apparently I must have missed that despite having seen all the episodes...I mean, I remember just one river, but it isn't even a river, it's a torrent, and it's definitely not on that north part of the island...can anyone clarify me? thanx

TheLostMap said...


Thank you for the compliment.

The only reason that the term 'Rivers extremely dangerous' is on the map is because it is on the original map. I don't recall ever viewing those actual rivers during the show.

We saw a screen shot of the original map in season one, episode number 13- "Hearts and Minds". In the northern part of the original map are two rivers. Written in French (presumably by Rousseau) is the writing 'The Rivers Extremely Dangerous'. There is also something written in parenthesis, but I don't speak/write/understand French, so I was never able to decipher it, although I remember some people trying, but it was too hard to see.
Anyway, below is a screen shot of that map from the episode. Rousseau had marked up her copy of the map with various notes. I have normally not included Rousseau's notes/writings on my map, and very well may not include this term on my next update.

Screen shot of Rousseau's mapHope this helps

Anonymous said...

I am Anon of April 18th; but I don't speak(or write)the English,but I understand it.
The rivers exstremely dangerous are(for me)torrential rivers,
(French:fleuve torrentiel) or (French:riviere torrentielle)suddenly flooded.
I hope that help your work.

TheLostMap said...

Thank you Anon of April 18th for your help. I do seem to remember that the consensus was at the time that the rivers would suddenly flood with no warning. This may be a clue to the island itself.

Anonymous said...

I am the Anon of may 22 who enquired of the rivers:
thank you TheLostMap! You're right, now I recall that scene, hehe. I'm looking forward to see these rivers in this or the next season and why they are extremely dangerous...unless they forgot about Rousseau map (probable)!
thanx a lot

Unknown said...

Barracks:should be lower and the flame on the left side(not sure about the flame, maybe it's just not on that map)
Pearl:Should be where the barracks are on your map or even higher

The Temple:from this map the Temple should be higher then the barracks

Also how did you determine the black rock's location ?

Great job.

TheLostMap said...

@ Alex,

Your photos do not show.

Unknown said...

They don't ?
Well the barracks and the radio tower are on the same horizontal direction.
Also the distance from X(Pascal Flats) to the barracks is obviously bigger on your map.
And the Pearl is located above the barracks.

Sorry English is not my 1st language.I hope you understand what i ment.

TheLostMap said...

@ alex,

What I mean is that the link to the photos don't work. I don't see the photos.

I guess that you are talking about Ben's map. I have not been able to resolve that map. That map does not make much sense. I originally placed the Pearl above the barracks, as it shows in Ben's map, but that does not work. It simply does not make sense with respect to rest of the map.

Unknown said...

Yeah it's Ben's map from S3 finale and the second one from S4(Meet Kevin Johnson).
It looks a little wierd with the Pearl above the barracks & the Temple left to the barracks, maybe it's a continuity error.Unfortunately
it's the only map containing the Pearl(except the blast door map, wich is bs).

TheLostMap said...

@ alex,

The Temple map is another story. I will re-evaluate the location of the Temple. The map suggests it might be further North then where I posted it. I will have to look at a lot of different things, but if I feel that it is in the wrong position, I will certainly re-locate it. A location must be consistent in all aspects of the show. If it is inconsistent in one aspect, then it must be wrong.

Steve said...

first off, great map. kudos to youa nd your hard work.

i do have to say though, i think Hydra is in the wrong spot.

i've bee looking through a few maps on other sites and have never seen that island before.

the thing that leads me most to believe it is wrong is following sayids sailing around the island. the location of the fake camp and statue appear correct, but if he were to sail from the beach camp to the fake camp, as he did, he would've run into hydra island.

at the same time though, were hydra island in the SE as most others place it, it would've been a long trip from there to dharmaville when frank and sun went.

unfortunately i think most of this is jsut inconsistency in the writing as none of this is based of an actual island.

hopefully darlton will release an official map at some point.

Steve said...

hey, sorry to be a pest, but on further review i have found another issue with the map.

according to the panoramic view and your map, that view is looking east.

in the panoramic view the tail looks to have crashed at the end of a peninsula. or there is at least an inlet coming up from the south that is between the mountains and the crash site. (essentialy the view is barracks, mountains, water, crash site).

however on the map, there is no water coming up. it just goes barracks, mountains, crash site.

perhaps they both (barracks and crash site) need to be moved north a bit. there is a slight peninsula that could match with the panoramic view.

i added 2 dots to the map, the green being the area of the barracks and the blue being the crash site. just a thought...


Steve said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TheLostMap said...

@ Steve,

Thank you for your comments. I am doing a major revamp of my map and will seriously take into consideration your comments. I'm pretty confident about Hydra though.

If you watch Glass Ballerina, Sayid marks the map about a day after passing Hydra. It's hard to say what he is marking, but my guess is that he is locating Hydra. Also, in Episode- 'Namaste' 05x09, you get a bird's eye view of the islands coast. This view matches up exactly with the coast just below where I show the four toe statue.

Thanks again for your input.

Anonymous said...

I think you probably have seen this but I still put this link:

That map doesn't make any sense.

TheLostMap said...

@ anonymous,
Yes, I have seen that map, displayed at comic-con for a@uction after the show is complete. We don't know when the map was made or if Rousseau made all the notations (it would seem she did though). I find it very strange that Rousseau was in possession of the map. How did she get it? Did Ben give it to her? There's no way she could have mapped the island herself.
I'm sure the map is/was accurate, although some locations may have changed since it was made.

Anonymous said...

I am the Anon of April 18th.
Maybe Rousseau have found the map through Black Rock and then to put down the French-speaking notations.
I hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I took a look at the notes about the rivers on Rousseau's map, and I'm pretty sure it says: 'La lumière et les sons étranges', which means 'strange light and sounds'. La lumière, singular, rather than les lumières, plural, seems to indicate there's a strange ambient light near the rivers, rather than flashing lights or anything like that. Hope that's helpful :) Calin

TheLostMap said...


Thank you. That's very interesting and very helpful, thanks again.


LostySmurf said...

Hey Mike,

great map, love it. And thanks to Anon and Calin for the translations of Rousseau's map!

Nevertheless, the placement of the Hydra seems pretty odd to me. I read your comment and saw the screenshot but though I'm not completely convinced yet...

Almost every other location makes sense to me, I can even see the BDM to be respected (more or less).

TheLostMap said...


I fear you may be very right about Hydra. I know believe it may be of the east coast of the island. It would make more sense.


LostySmurf said...

Hey Mike,

exactly. Please don't throw rocks at me but now I think, it's the 'Robert' marked island on Rousseau's map...


Quasark said...

Hello Mike,

Good to see a new map!
I had just a few questions in relation to the original Rousseau's Map.

On Rousseau's Map, in the southeastern part of the Island, there's a notation that reads: "Le cable soumarin d'origine unconnue", the submarine cable of unknown origin. That would seem a specific information about the cable that Sayid first found on the beach and that takes to the Looking Glass (toward the see) and Rousseau's Lair (going inland). But you still have the cable and the Looking Glass west from the Crater. There's any particular reason you still have them there? Do you maybe think that the cable on Rousseau's Map is another cable running into the ocean? But it would seem strange for Rousseau to sign on a map a location with no specific purpose, wouldn't it?

On the west, there's the notation "Le lieu du transmetteur", that can be roughly translated as "The location of the transmitter", and there's an arrow with this notation that seems to be referring to the point where you placed the Temple. My question is: why do you still have the Radio Tower on the eastern plateau? And why do you have the Temple in that position? Do you believe there's another transmitter in the Temple? And if so, how did Rousseau know that?

My final question is: any idea on what are "The ruins of unknown origin" on the west coast? I thought that to be the statue, but I think it just doesn't make sense. Any theory about that?

My map is still not ready, and I think, unfortunately, it won't be for a long time... I hope to get back to my map soon, but I'm not very sure about that. I think that there's a chance I will be forced to give up on my map, at least for a while.

Anyway, excellent job, as always!


TheLostMap said...


I'm coming to the same conclusion.
There may a a few minor inconsistencies, but I'm thinking Hydra is the'Robert like you said.


TheLostMap said...


I'll probably have to do a revision of my map. When I'm done that I'll have a better idea of how to answer your questions.
Don't give up your Map!!


Laura said...

Where is the location of "Alcatraz"? I always thought it was the same as the hydra but, when Desmond, Jin, and Sun are traveling to the decoy village as Micheal is leading the others to it (you know to get Walt off the island that whole thing) one of the others, i think its the girl sun shoots and Ben, discuss that they need to get that boat because if they sail to much further, they'll see the second island - Alcatraz. So i've always thought that if you're walking the beach, first comes the beach camp, then the statue, then the decoy village, and if you continued you'd be able to see Alcatraz, but that you can't see it from any of the beach from the beach camp to the decoy village, because Desmond, Jin, and Sun never saw it then. Could you just clear up for me the locations of the hydra and Alcatraz?

Anonymous said...

Mike, Kudos on your map. Dilemma though. Have been rewatching S5 and in "Namaste," when Sun and Ben are on the Alcatraz beach, Ben tells Frank that they are going over to the other island and if Frank wants to join them, he can take one of the other boats and travel due south about a half a mile, where he will see a small dock, beyond which is the town of his people. All of this tracks with your map, except for direction. Your map shows the direction would be due west, where Ben specifically points out that it is due south.
Your thoughts?
Please keep up your great work!

TheLostMap said...

Laura of 1/1/10

I will be doing a major update of my map. Hopefully this will be out by the end of this month. I appreciate you question, but would rather wait until my update until I attempt to answer you question. In general, though, Alcatraz is Hydra. Hopefully my update will make this clear.

Thanks for your question.

TheLostMap said...

Anonymous of 1/8/10
Without going back to check the transcript, I believe LOST is using one of their many ways to keep the location of items questionable.

It may be true that Hydra is DUE SOUTH, but the term DUE SOUTH is very different from just saying South. DUE SOUTH means that the item is simply South, without regard to relative directions (east/west). I know this might seem like splitting hairs, but if Ben would have said the submarine dock was 1/2 mile south, that would mean they(Hydra Island) are 1/2 mile north.
But by saying they are a 1/2 mile DUE SOUTH means that if you draw a line 1/2 mile south of them, the submarine dock could fall anywhere along this line.
In this instance, Ben should have said the dock is 1/2 mile DUE SOUTH and 1/2 mile DUE EAST, or he could have simply said the dock was 1/2 mile SouthEast.

The term DUE refers to compass setting that only considers that direction without regard to the main composite directions (North/South or East/West).

Anyway, I'm glad you like the site.
I will be doing a major update that I hope to have out be the end of the month.
I know this answer is a little confusing, so if you have any follow up question, please ask.


Hermitage171 said...

If you watch the Pearl orientation video, it says that after their shift, the Pearl workers should take the Pala Ferry back to the Barracks. On your map, it would be much quicker to walk, so this doesn't make much sense. I see one ferry dock on your map so far, but there should probably be two -- that's how a ferry works, right? One dock should be close to the Pearl, and the other dock should be close to the barracks, no? Unless the Pearl film is just a continuity error, of course, but anyway there should be two ferry docks, and definitely one is close to the barracks, as seen for example when Sun and Frank dock in their boat and then go quickly to the village.

TheLostMap said...


Thank you for your comment. I'm working on a major update to the map so I would rather wait until I release that before I attempt to answer any specific questions.

As far a two Ferry's, you are right. I used to have two Pala Ferrys but I removed one because I didn't have proof. The second Ferry may be on Hydra, but I don't know.
The dock Frank and Sun used was the submarine dock.

My best guess (only a guess) is that the members of the Pearl, while surveilling other members are sequestered during their off hours. They are kept away from they people they are secretly watching to avoid being potential problems.
When the film said they would take the ferry to their barracks, I think their barracks during this time may have been on Hydra Island.
Like I said, just a guess.


Anonymous said...

Simply want to say thanks, your maps have kept me busy all day going over every aspect of your efforts. It has been a welcome distraction from the anxiousness I am feeling as we get closer to the start of the last season. I look forward to pouring over your latest effort, hopefully before the premiere on Feb. 2.

Thanks again, just awesome stuff!

Chris in Fort Worth

TheLostMap said...

Chris in Fort Worth,

Thanks for your comments. I hope to have my update done by the start of the new season.

Thanks again,


TheLostMap said...


Sure, as long as credit is given. What is the name of your website?


Unknown said...

I don't know if it's me but have you got the staff station on the map?

TheLostMap said...

Blogger ctugwell1 said...

I don't know if it's me but have you got the staff station on the map?

February 10, 2010 4:29 PM

No, I didn't locate the Staff station as I do not have enough evidence to reasonably support its location.


Anonymous said...

Add the lighthouse! Add the lighthouse! :-)

Kyle Stedman said...

I've been a fan of this map site (above all others, actually) for a long time. But I admit, I'm starting to feel that there are issues that may not be resolvable--probably due to the needs of shooting the show without always considering map issues. I know, I know, that's a defeatist attitude.

But as I rewatched S5 over the hiatus, things got increasingly tricky. I've always felt that your position of the 4-toed statue was right on, given that at the end of S2, Jin, Sun, and Sayid are certainly sailing north on the west side of the island. But then at the end of S5 we've got FLocke leading a long walk, with the ocean on the right (assumably heading south on the west coast?), from the Others' beach camp, PAST the Losties' old beach camp, and THEN to the statue. How could this be? If the Losties' beach camp is where we've always thought it is, this forces us to see the 4-toed statue as somewhere southeast of them, or even around the bend--and since we've seen the status from the Orchid, that would throw other things into doubt as well.

And then the issue of the Barracks and the Hyrda you discussed in an earlier comment, with "due south" and all. I admit I have trouble seeing the writers as interpreting the phrase "due south" that complicatedly. To me, this was a note to us that the Hydra is indeed quite close to the submarine dock, with both on the west coast. The sub dock could then be seen as heading straight to the barracks just a bit down the path (and through the sonic fence somewhere, I presume), just as it seems to be when Ben arrives at the island, Jack watches Colleen's funeral, Jack and Juliet walk down to the dock--i.e., the sub dock has always seemed close to the Barracks. I know there are problems with that interpretation, but it makes other things easier: then we can assume the logical note that the Pala ferry simply traveled from the sub dock to the Hydra. Etc.

Just thinking out loud here. I love your work, but I admit I'm starting to doubt how much ANY map-making can hold together. I'll try to be more like Locke.

Lamar said...

Great map. Beautiful work.

Question, though. You've placed the barracks quite a bit inland. Yet, the barracks were shown to have a dock and a boat house on the ocean.

Unknown said...

Hey, cool map. i know its hard yto keep up with the show but id really like to know where the lighthouse is. i try to keep up to.

Anonymous said...

Great map!

I note a few things that don't sync with mine.

Ben's map to cut off the radio tower party is oriented from his perspective looking south to the beach camp. The barracks and Pearl are in their proper relationship viewed through that perspective.

The Radio Tower would therefore be at the position shown in annotation on Rousseau's map, placing it in the western mountain range.

The Hydra station was confirmed by the producers as being one of the two islands on her map, probably Robert, located off the east coast.

Citation: Smaller islands can be seen apart from the main island. It was confirmed that one of these islands is Hydra Island. (Official Lost Podcast/March 26, 2007)

Ben's Temple map shows the Temple as a day and a half NW of the Barracks. This is consistent with Richard's statement that DHARMA built the barracks over Temple tunnel system.

This also syncs up with French Science team's original camp and it's relatively close proximity to the Temple wall declivity.

I begin to think that needs of camera sighting, lighting, etc, have us chasing White Rabbits.

Great job trying to make sense of the locations!

Unknown said...

did my last post post i dont know where is the lighthouse

Anonymous said...

Lighthouse needs to be within a short walk from the temple to the shore most likely to the right of blackrock.

now the caves with candidates names may be trickier as they could be along shoreline in many places walking distance from new otherton, i'm guessing between 4 toed statue and tempest?

Kyle Stedman said...

@Anonymous of March 4, I thought so too, until I considered that they passed through the Caves on the way there. That gave me a big, "Huh?" It implies either 1) that the caves and the Temple are actually not that far away from each other, putting the temple much further south than I've ever considered it, or 2) Jack and Hurley walked really fast for a really long time, and the show just didn't bother to show it. Frustrating!

Anonymous said...

i don't think the caves with names are connected to the caves with adam and eve. 'adam and eve' caves are in the jungles and the 'name' cave is on the ocean shore...but where?

TheLostMap said...

I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment. I'm trying to add a new tab with an updated site.

Blogger Kyle Stedman said...

I've been a fan of this map site (above all others, actually) for a ..

There is a answer to you question on this web site.



Anyway, I hope this answers this question.

TheLostMap said...

Blogger Lamar said...

Great map. Beautiful work.

Question, though. You've placed the barracks quite a bit inland. Yet, the barracks were shown to have a dock and a boat house on the ocean.

February 24, 2010 5:24 PM

I think that the show simply edits the time people travel from the barracks to the submarine dock to make it appear to be close. When Ben and Locke arrived at the Submarine dock it was Day, but when they arrived at the Barracks it was night, suggesting that there is a distance between the two.

TheLostMap said...

Blogger Nathan said...

did my last post post i dont know where is the lighthouse

I'm working on a Season Six tab that will show all the travels in season six. I should be able to post it 3/16/10

Quasark said...

How are you doing?
Good to see you're continuing to make maps. They're amazing, as always.
I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions.

How did you locate the Temple? In my honest opinion, it would seem very far from the Statue, and I actually thought, judging by the signal, that Statue and Temple would be closer than this. Also, if I stand correctly, I remember Jack, Kate, Hurley and Miles carrying Sayid all the way from the Sawn to the Temple. I think it would be very difficult to carry Sayid from the Swan to the Temple if the distance is that much.
So, shouldn't it be moved a little to the west, maybe?

I'm also curious about the "beacon" cable. I remember in Rousseau's Map that only one cable is shown. I think it would suggest that the cable on the Map and the one linked to the Looking Glass are one and the same. Of course, I remember Mikhail saying that there are a lot of cable running into the ocean; but then, why should Rousseau mark the location of an "anonymous" cable on her map and not the Looking Glass cable, considering that the latter is probably the one she knew better?

Anyway, I think your locations for the Lighthouse and the Names Cave are very good.

Keep up the good work!


TheLostMap said...

Hi Quasark,
How are you? Hope all is well.

Before I answer questions, please take a look at my Reference tab. I've updated it and it may shed some light on some of your questions.


Quasark said...

I'm well. I'm also trying to star again mapping, but my first attempt is not that satisfactory (if you're curious, you can see it on my blog).

Anyway, now I see why you placed the Temple there. Sorry if I didn't look in the Reference section first.
Though, there are still things that don't convince me... But I have to think through them, first.

I still would like to know about the cable if it's possible. It just doesn't convince me the fact that Rousseau would mark an anonymous cable and not the cable that lead to her lair. Any answer would be very much appreciated!
(And I hope I didn't miss it somewhere on the site, this time ;) ).
And what about the ruins she marked on her map, on the north part of the east coast? Do you think is something we didn't see yet (or that we won't see at all)?


TheLostMap said...

Hello Quasark,

Thank you for your compliment.

I will try to answer both your questions.

The location of the Temple. There are a couple of influences on this location. The strongest is the map that Ben provided to Rousseau that provides a good general location of the Temple (see the Reference tab for this map). The next is During Flash Seven when Jin finds himself washed ashore with the French team. Jin is not familiar with this coast. They appear (although distances are tricky due to editing) to not have walked inland very far when Montomb was dragged below the temple wall. The Temple map, Jin’s unfamiliarity with the coast, and the proximity of the coast to the temple all influenced the decision to place it where I did.

They are carrying Sayid by stretcher. Although this would surely slow them down, the route they use (See Tab Six) is a well-traveled path without any mountains to cross. Although the journey to carry Sayid is about twice as long as that used to carry Locke’s corpse to the beach cemetery, the method seems easier.

The signal flair was sent as an Island wide warning, not directed to the statue. For the signal flair to work, it would have to be seen by any inhabitant of the island. I think the viewing angles gives the impression that the discharge location and the view from the statue as it explodes are closer then they are.

As far as the cable is concerned, I believe the map Rousseau has certainly is not one that she drew. She came into possession of it and commented on various locations. The cable location in question was probably on the original map and I believe Rousseau simply added her description to it.

The map in Rousseau’s possession predates anything built by the Dharma initiative including the cable leading to the Looking Glass Station. There is nothing on the map with any reference to any Dharma stations, including the cable leading to the Looking Glass.

In hind site I will change my description on the cable to “Underwater cable of unknown origin”. I'm not sure that the cable has anything to do with with submarines, although Rousseau marked as such. How could she possibly know? There could be another purpose for it. I'm sure Rousseau realizes where the Looking Glass cable is, but why include that info a a map that will lead people right to your liar?

As far as the ruins are concerned, I’m not sure. I do remember Ben mentioning to Locke that that was the Other’s destination after they left the barracks and traveled by camp. When Locke confronts his father, who is tied to a Doric column, I believe this is the area of the ruin.
By the way, I did take a look at your site. you map is completely different! I guess Rousseau's map had a lot of influence on it. Good luck. If you get a chance I would be interested on what you think of my interpretation of Ben's radio Tower map. Rousseau's map does give up an added tool to resolving some of the maps.

Hope this helps,


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

bake said...

Hey mike it's bake

webgem14 said...

First off, I must say I am very impressed with your work. Of all the maps I have seen, yours is by far the best. However, I am still struggling with your placement of the Temple. You have done a good job of matching up the coastline with the one from Ben's map. My confusion stems from your map on Lostpedia which has the Temple in the west. Is there any reason for that discrepancy? Also in Ben's map the writing indicates that Ben put south to the top of the map. Not that it always has to be that way, but it isn't that unusual? Do you think that it's possibly just a continuity error by whoever actually made the map, having it upside down then filling in the locations? Does that make sense? Anyway, keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

TheLostMap said...

Thank you for your compliment and comments, milehighnumbers.

As far as my map posted on LostPedia (I'm assuming it is the fan map page, although I posted my map on Lostpedia's main Forum)
Lostpedia Fan Maps
That was simply an older map that I have revised since. The map on this website is always the most recent. Because of your post I have attempted to update my Lostpedia map, but I'm not sure the update is working properly. There seems to be a bug in their program.

Anyway, I hope that answers your first question. The discrepancy over the placement of the Temple is simply an older map vs. an updated map.

As far as Ben placing South on the top of his map, I don't have a big problem with that. LOST always makes their maps very difficult because they don't want to give away any secrets of the island. Ben never marked his map with a North arrow. If you were making a quick map for one of your friends to follow, would you orient it North? He just oriented his map in the direction they had to travel from the barracks.

Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a bit concerned I'm pretty stupid here, or am not getting something...

But according to Ab Aeterno and The Incident, I find it difficult to believe the area surrounding the statue to be the way represented on the map considering the P.O.V the statue is facing. I also don't understand how the Black Rock ended up that far inland considering wave would have to had taken it 3 miles inland as well as over elevated areas.

My other problems have been previously mentioned. The scale of the map seems a bit off for how long people seem to walk on Lost. I once walked approximately 14 miles in 6 hours, according to your map, these 'day or two' walks that people seem to be taking must be ridiculously slow unless they're usually compensating for having to walk around certain places instead of straight ahead (like I did).

Another problem which other people have mentioned is the positioning of the barracks. There is no possible way it could be inland that far considering that the sub docks basically right next to the barracks. This also doesn't make any sense according to season 5.

Smaller issues I have are how the Losties managed to walk to the capsule dump while completely avoiding The Flame and why the Temple is so far away in relation to Black Rock.

Anyway, I do like the map, and it is probably hard triangulating positions considering the show has already bloopered a few directions. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

This is the previous Anonymous poster again, sorry for the double post, been reading over a bit more of your blog, trying to get an understanding of what kind of system you use.

I was just wondering how do you decide between contradictory evidence? Do you tend to choose the latest map locations/directions that contradict past ones or do you weigh up how much evidence in the entire show there has been for specific areas and locations then pick which one has a better degree of evidence and more evidence?

Also, do you include geographical features that aren't directly indicated or mentioned in the show? I was reading your Turbulence section where you were pointing out how the same mountains appear in front and behind Locke. Now, I'm unsure whether or not you take features like that into account, but it's probably best that if you have, you should scrap most of them because I don't believe unspecific geographical features really plot into the story map, especially considering also the degree of inaccuracy in that particular one you mentioned, as also, it gives no real indication to the Temple location due to two reasons: 1. You could easily assume there is a vantage point that is away from the temple to communicate with the mirrors rather than near the temple itself and 2. There is a specific mention that the Temple Wall is about 1/2 radially encircling the Temple and there is no doubt that such a wall should be visible from that shot of the mountains (unless it simply doesn't go all the way around).

Anyway, again, I really like the map, you can obviously see I'm pretty enthralled in Lost to make a big deal about it.

Anonymous said...


I felt compelled to post after the last Anon poster's 2 previous comments. I've followed this map for a while and while I don't agree with everything, I totally applaud all the effort put into logically explaining the various A-team mission routes and the location of things on the island. In terms of what the previous commenter mentioned - and I hope he/she reads this, as I'd like to know what they think - I've found that basing locations on geographical landmarks seen in the show is probably a dead end. The producers have used the same beaches to represent both southern and northern shores. They have re-used the same valley countless times for jungle treks, so it's impossible to know where on the island they really are. I have perused this site: http://www.lostvirtualtour.com/

based on these photos, I dont think the producers and writers expected us fans to really put this much thought into the relativity of island locations. For example, I struggle with the very first episode in that they somehow climber that huge ass mountain to find the transmission and then ended up in the same valley we've seen in countless other episodes - the only continuity here is that this same shot is used in the final episode of season 3 - you can tell by the distinguishable ridge line - and this is by the radio tower. It's made all the more complicated by the fact that the elevation doesn't make sense and that the trek seemed significantly longer in through the looking glass vs. the pilot.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Keep up the great work LostMap

TheLostMap said...

Sorry Anon's that I have not been able to answer your questions. I will as soon as I am able.


webgem14 said...

Thanks for answering my questions. I do see that the map on the Lostpedia fan maps page has been changed.

Hunter61 said...

Great site and effort! I'm curious what you think about how the new dock and MIB's rough map fit in...

TheLostMap said...

@ Hunter61,

It really does not affect my map as it agrees with the location of where I thought their camp was.

Without studying the episode enough to introduce it into my maps, I would say that the obvious thing I found was that Zoe's map is of Hydra Island, and not of the main island. I have argued this point with people, but now I have proof. If you look at Zoe's map and the map from this episode which show's hydra, they are very close in the outline of Hydra island, although you have to appreciate that these maps are shown at a skewed angle, so they are not perfectly matched.

My biggest problem right now is Locke's instruction to Sawyer "Just a few hour down the shore." That a very large distance, so I'm not really sure where the boat is moored.

TheLostMap said...

@ Anonymous of April 2.

Sorry it took so long to respond. I'll try to answer both posts at once.

1. The statue is facing away from the Orchid, so the ship came in above the atolls. The POV of the the statue does agree with the travel of the Black Rock. The wave would have been enormously high, 200-250'
The mountain that it transverses is only about 60-80' high. You'll have to ask Lindelof or Cuse about the likelihood of that happening.

2. Actually the scale of the map turns out to be very accurate. I was able to confirm this by using the Actual map which had a distance marked.
You're question suggest that you may not of looked at the Season tab's which show the various travels.
This is an island jungle; people don't walk in strait line along paved paths.

3. See the Reference Tab for your question concerning the sub dock.

4. As far as your question concerning the Capsule dump, I have relocated the flame so it truly adheres to the cabling map.

5. I don't understand this question. Why would the Black rock and the Temple be close?

From your second post.
1.Generally, there is no contradictory evidence. It does happen, but rarely. Normally it has to do with Ben's sense of direction. As the show progresses more evidence is uncovered to better place items. Normally it's my assumption that is wrong.
There really can be no contradictory evidence, or I wouldn't simply show that Item until it was eventually resolved.

2. I used to try and use geographical evidence, but you really can't and I gave up. The show does try and be consistent with CGI, but for the most part, you can't rely on it.

3. I never met to imply that Ben was communicating with people from the Temple, just that Ben traveled south to meet the others, rather than east.
Hope this helps. :)

Anonymous said...

The frenchwoman said that black rock was close to the radio tower, on your map, the temple is close to the radio tower, that implies that both are in the general area.

I still disagree with the Temple and Barracks, the barracks should be closer to water (especially considering Namaste) and honestly I can't remember what my problem was with the temple.

Anyway, have you considered adding the 1/2 radius temple wall? That would give a good idea for proximity to places in This Place Is Death and LAX.

TheLostMap said...

@ Anonymous of May 8, 2010 10:25 AM

The frenchwoman said that black rock was close to the radio tower, on your map, the temple is close to the radio tower, that implies that both are in the general area.

I still disagree with the Temple and Barracks, the barracks should be closer to water (especially considering Namaste) and honestly I can't remember what my problem was with the temple.

Anyway, have you considered adding the 1/2 radius temple wall? That would give a good idea for proximity to places in This Place Is Death and LAX.

Thank you for your interest and questions concerning TheLOSTmap.

In the future, you might want to get an identity just so I am familiar with possible earlier post, of just sign a name at the end of your post so I can get a better idea of whom I'm talking to, thx.

To answer your questions.

1. I'm not sure your first comment is a question concerning the proximity of the Blackrock, radio Tower, and the Temple. I don't know what your implications are or if you are just making a statement. I don't recall the actual language Rousseau used to imply that the Radio Tower and the Blackrock were close to each other. In her broadcast, she did say she was going to attempt to get from the radio tower to the Blackrock, but I wouldn't consider that meaning they were close.

2. As far as the position of Barracks are concerned, please see Barracks location

3. As far as placing a wall, No. I really don't know the shape of the wall. Another problem is I don't really know the distance between the wall and the temple. On lost they never use the term 1/8 mile or 1/4 mile. Everything is 1/2 mile (I guess it makes good dialog). Anyway when they say 1/2 mile, it could be anywhere from 1/4 mile to 3/4 miles.
As far as proximity in places in This Place Is Death and LAX,
please see

This Place is Death
This Place Is Death



Hope this helps,


Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Jon from the Island Map on tumblr. Thanks for your comment. It's always nice to meet other LOST map enthusiasts.

What do you think about this upcoming LOST Encycloedia that is going to be published in August? It claims that it's going to be all canon material, and I'm guessing they will almost certainly include a map of The Island. The published map may be very different from our versions of the map, but fan-generated map creators won't really be able to dispute it if it's considered to be the "official" map. Does that worry you at all, considering the amount of work you've put into your map?

TheLostMap said...

Hello Jon from tumblr,

Although the LOST encyclopedia will be sanctioned by ABC, I don't think any of the LOST writer will be involved, although it will have a foreword by Lindelof and Cuse. I don't think we will learn anything new; it will just be a nice reference to LOST.

Description of the LOST encyclopedia:

"Featuring more than 400 pages and over 1500 images, the LOST Encyclopedia will be a comprehensive guide to the characters, items, locations, plotlines, relationships, and mythologies from all six seasons of the landmark series aired on ABC-TV and produced by ABC Studios. Created in full collaboration with ABC Entertainment and ABC Studios, this will be the first and only fully licensed and comprehensive reference to all things LOST, and it includes a foreword by executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse."

I really don’t think they will include a map. It would be very hard to include a map large enough to fit in an encyclopedia unless it’s folded and including folded pages increases the publishing cost. If they do include a map, it might open up a lot of questions for ABC concerning the location of items that might be hard for LOST to answer, but maybe not. They may have a perfect map. If this is the case I would love to see it.

If they do include a map, I hope that is an official map that clearly locates items and avoid inconsistencies. I, nor anyone else outside of the show, will ever be able to call their own map canon. If they do release an ‘official’ map that includes inconsistencies, I would certainly question these, just as people question my map. The only difference is that they probably would not answer.

I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m not too worried.

Thanks for your question,


Anonymous said...

Why Black Rock is so far away from statue?

Quasark said...

Hello Mike,

I just saw your map on DarkUFO! Great job!
So, is that your final version of the Map, the update you mentioned yesterday? Or is your new map still a work in progress?

Also, I just noted that the DHARMA stations on your map are arranged in a way similar to the Blast Door Map, just with two or three station inverted: was that intentional or is it just a very curious coincidence? I'm asking this because I remember you thought the Blast Door Map was very inaccurate and almost useless. What's your opinion, now, on that?


TheLostMap said...

Anonymous said...

Why Black Rock is so far away from statue?

The mountains between the Black Rock and the statue are only about 100' high. The wave that carried the Blackrock was at between 200'-250' high. The Blackrock road this wave inland, over the mountain and landed in the center of the island.
I'm not saying this is possible, but that's how the show did it.
I'm just the messenger, I didn't write the script. :)

P.S. After the finale, I'll probably show this in detail. I'll provide elevations, screen shots of the storm, and the path of the Blackrock as it approached the island to where it landed.

Tim Thomason said...

Rose and Bernard's cabin needs to be added. It's five miles inland from the beach camp.

The Heart of the Island (just over a ridge from the bamboo forest... right next to the beach camp) definitely needs to be added, unless it's already there and I can't see it.

But it's very, very good. Thank you for making it, LostMap!

Tim Thomason said...

nm, I see where Rose & Bernard's cabin is on the '77 map. I'm not sure how feasible it is for Vincent it make it all those miles from near the submarine dock to near the beach camp, but oh well.

Quasark said...

Hello Mike,

I just wanted to inform you that the location of what appears to be the Hydra Island has just been confirmed!
Take a look to this page of my site.
I'm really confident it's Hydra Island: it would be ridiculous having an anonymous island and not having Hydra Island!
What do you think? Is it really Hydra Island or is it some other Island?


Quasark said...

Hello Mike,

Again, great news about maps!
I don't know if you remember this, but some time ago I told you about an auction of Lost props, including maps.
Well, on the web site of the association that organizes the Auction, there are photos of some of the props. The great news is that there are also the complete Third Rousseau's Map and the complete Ben's Radio Tower Map! The quality is not very good (in fact, details are not visible at all) but it's a start!
Here it is, the web page with the images.
I know you will appreciate them!


Unknown said...

The captions on the maps would be better if they were in some obvious order instead of looking like they were placed there randomly.

TheLostMap said...

I think I know what you are saying.
I think what you are saying is to place the captions in some sort of pattern around the map, which makes it easier to discern. I'll probably incorportate that in my next update, along with a couple of other ideas to enhance view of the map.

Thanks for your idea,


cypher80b said...

Nice job here!

Here is my attempt to merge all the maps we have been seen in the series. There still some issues with the distances but i think that is the best i can do including all the maps.


The only thing that is changed is some rotation and flipping of the BDM. The map that I'm using is from


TheLostMap said...

@ cypher80b

Nice work. It's very hard to try and synchronize the maps. Ben's map is very strange. I really do not understand it, but it has a lot of information.
You might want to take a look at my Reference tab to see how I decided to resolve the various maps. I'm going to update the reference section with the new maps put out by the LOST auction.

cypher80b said...

Yes indeed. Ben's map is just a headache. I follow most of the lost map blogs (including yours) for a long time and i know how many troubles this map causes.

But as you said it has so much information on it that is too hard to ignore it.

Anyway, looking forward for you updates.

Anonymous said...

I love love love hangin out here - such a good job on all of the maps. However it is spelled turbuLENCE.

TheLostMap said...

@ Anonymous,


I will put it on my Things to do list.



Sheilla Liz said...

For fans of the series who can not attend the Auction Preview Lost, I am offering for sale a map of the island of Lost, hand painted, acrylic and ink on canvas, dimensions: 60 cm 50cmx. The Lost Map is based on lost maps released on the Internet and includes the stations of the Dharma Initiative, the Black Rock and compass Via Domus among other references in the series Lost.voluntariadharma.blogspot.com

TheLostMap said...

@ Sheilla Liz :

Good Luck. I went to your web site,but the view of the map is very small. I was curious as to where you located items. From what I saw, it looks very beautiful. Good luck!!


beema said...

Just wondering if you've seen the Lost prop auction going on. They have all the in-show maps up for bidding. Would be pretty cool to have for a project like this. Much easier to work with than screencaps I'd think. Here's the site: http://www.profilesinhistory.com/lost-the-auction.html

beema said...

oops, just saw some previous comments. I guess you know about it already :-)

TheLostMap said...

@ Beema,

Yes, there were quite a lot of good screen shots of maps shown in the catalog, although the main group of maps were too small to read the markings.

I'll be coming out with an update with-in the week. I'll also be updating the reference maps in the near future.

Quasark said...

Hi Mike,

I went back to the web site of the auction, and now there are bigger screenshots of the various maps (about 1000x800).
The notations on the map are quite visible now.
All the images can be found here.
Hope it can help.


TheLostMap said...

Hi Quasark,

Thanks for the update. I'm sure it will help a lot.

Thanks again,


Anonymous said...

Great work and attention to detail. I refer to your trek accounts frquently in my own "Lost Mapping" project, and use the maps generally to gauge the soundness of mine. My main quip is the distance between the Barracks and the Sub Dock, but's that's a well-worn issue by now - 2 schools.

Over the last few months I've also come to the conclusion that the Statue is not located where most of us had presumed based on the boat sighting, but counter-clockwise from the beach camp as depicted in Locke's trek from the Other's Beach Camp and supported by Llana's trip with the trunk (you dealt with the discrepancy cleverly but I have been working on the assumption that one is/must be wrong). This leads to an interesting re-arrangement of some of the major locals.. I'm also somewhat uncomfortable using Rousseau's map as a hard template and have tried to work "from first principals" - the outline of my maps being much more simplified. But again GREAT work!

TheLostMap said...

@ Anonymous of
August 10, 2010

Thanks for your comment.

Good luck with your map. Making an accurate LOST map isn't easy.
I would be interested to see what your map looked like.


Anonymous said...

@ LostMap, I hope to be finishing up my map soon and will try to post a shot. Right now it's freehand but for anyone with their head in LOST it's fairly easy to follow. I'm currently trying to identify the central LOST contradictions and show how they are resolved on the map - similar to your efforts but without the comprehensive trek-by-trek presentation.

TheLostMap said...

@ Anonymous,

Sounds pretty cool. I look forward to seeing it.

Anonymous said...

I've got a few jpg's if you're interested. Progress sketches for an original Island outline, and one fiarly developed using a simplified Rousseau template.

Adam said...

Rousseau's name is misspelled on the map for the location of Rousseau's Lair.

TheLostMap said...

Thanks Adam,

I change it my next update

~Karen~ said...

Hi Michael
Thank you so much for the kind words about my site/notes. I really appreciate it!
Dude, I REALLY miss LOST!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, i think wether the black rock's or the four toe statue's location is wrong. When richard comes to the island in the black rock, he crashes with the statue and breaks it, but in your map the black rock is on the other shore,I don't think the black rock could have gone all the way over the mountains when it crashed

TheLostMap said...

Anonymous said...

hey, i think wether the black rock's or the four toe statue's location is wrong. When richard comes to the island in the black rock, he crashes with the statue and breaks it, but in your map the black rock is on the other shore,I don't think the black rock could have gone all the way over the mountains when it crashed

December 29, 2010 2:07 PM

Thank you for your post. I will consider your concerns before my next update.

What you should be aware of is that the wall of water probably was high enough to transverse the western mountain range. Those mountains are in all likelihood not very high. If you recall the view from the Orchid( which is at the top of the mountain range) of Taraet during the flashes, they were only up to the waist of the statue. The wall of water was above the statue. My best guess is that the Blackrock rode the wave over the mountain, and then rode the water as it cascaded down the other side.

I know it's not very likely, but I'm just the messenger.

Thanks again for the comment, and I will revisit this again prior to my next update.


Matt said...

I was Anonymous that left a few comments regarding my own maps. I didn't realize your site was still active - is there a way to post them? They are in pdf format.

One is based on the Rousseau template, the other is freelance, based more on the logical necessities of Lost.

TheLostMap said...

Hello Matt,

You are right, the site is still active. I have a couple of more updates to add to the map. I just completed updating the Ajira Landing Posts. I've increased the number of Days Ajira spends on the island from 12 to 14 to agree with the LOST encyclopedia.

I would love to see your maps. You can forward them to me at TheLOSTMap@hotmail.com

Thanks for your interest in the site.


Matt said...

PM'ed you a few map sketches - been months since I was totally immersed so the details, but I plan to resume the project soon. Enjoy..

TheLostMap said...

Hey Matt,

It's nice to see someone who's so interested in the map. Most of the original group of mapmakers gave up years ago (Like Lostysmurf @ Lostmap.blogspot.com). It was fun to discuss various location with them.

Looking at your Lost_RousseauTemplate map I have an initial question. Why do you place Hydra Island where you do?

Rousseau's map places a large island that I assume to be Hydra much further south.


Matt said...

Re Hydra:

1. I'm uncomfortable with the Rousseau map to begin with - I prefer to think that it was salvaged by Rousseau from the Black Rock since she was attracted to it's resemblance to Lost Island, but that it was not neccessaritly an accurate survey of the Island [unlikely] but another Island altogether. The scales of the map are all off [especially the longitunal which would make it HUGE].

2. the small island purported to be Hydra looks way too small in comparison to the main island.

3. I accept Ben's word that the Sub Dock was just a across the water from Hydra.

4. I conclude that the Barracks are reasonably close to the Sub Dock and probably no more than a few miles at most [Ben/Lockes night arrival trip not withstanding]

5. I accept that the Batrracks are a 2 day march acroos the island to the NW or NNW or the Beach Camp.

6. Karl canoe trip started on Hydra, made a short trip to the main Island [landing on a beach quite close to the Batrracks] where he was told to then paddle to the Beach Camp in a counter-clockwise direction since it was the fastest way. A Southerly location for Hydra would be inconsistent with this.

The other map I sent you, not based on the Rousseau template, makes this much more explicit. I need to polish it up..

Kyle Stedman said...

Matt, it's been so tough to read your comments over the last few days (which I get email updates of) and not be able to see your maps! Are they up online anywhere?

Matt said...

@ Kyle - unfortunately they are not! I've never made a web page before and not sure where I would start..

I've been trading a few notes and sketches with TheLostMap because I found his work here so interesting and clasely argues, and his site is still active to boot.

Matt said...

edit: "and closely argued"

TheLostMap said...

@ at Matt,

If you would like, I will post your photo's and provide a URL to access them.

My concern with your maps, other then Rouseau's template map, is that are very preliminary sketches that are very hard to understand. I would, as you say, polish these up.

Either way,
Let me know if you would like to have your sketches posted.


Matt said...

Hey thanks for the offer! I should take you up on it - keep the flame alive so to speak. But as you say the freelance version of the map is still rough, so I'd hold off on that one until it can be readily interpreted. I'd sent you a copy since I already you were already very versed in the issues and would note the basic thrust of the new map even in it's incomplete form.

Feel free to post the Rousseau template map as I think it does offers some interesting "grist for the mill". I also hope to complete a written overview I started last August as well.

Will there be any way for me to update any of the material? I hope to polish and complete the Rousseau map further.

Thanks again

TheLostMap said...


To update, simply E-mail me what you want posted and i will either use the same URL or a new URL (first way has only the last map, second shows both).

I'll post the Rousseau template tomorrow and provide the URl.

Matt said...


TheLostMap said...


Your map should be at Matt's map

SpaceFreakMicha said...

Sorry, somehow I can't post in the "Turbulence"-section.

Just checked the toe-issue in 2x24 on my Blu-ray, Ms. Klugh clearly has five toes.

TheLostMap said...

SpaceFreakMicha said...

Sorry, somehow I can't post in the "Turbulence"-section.

Just checked the toe-issue in 2x24 on my Blu-ray, Ms. Klugh clearly has five toes.


Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure whether she had five or four toes, that's why I left it ambiguous. In hindsight I guess Miss Clue having four toes wouldn't mean anything.

When I get a chance I'll update the 'Miss Clue' post with your info. I'll also try and fix that page so people can post a comment there. I don't know why it's like that. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I read where you were thinking of drawing a real map of the island using the actual mountains. Are you still planning on doing this?

TheLostMap said...

@Anonymous said...

I read where you were thinking of drawing a real map of the island using the actual mountains. Are you still planning on doing this?

Thank you for you comment and iterest.

Yes, I am in the process, but it is more difficult than I imagined. I have located all of the mountains used (all on oahu island). I am about 50% done entering them on the map. The main problem is shadows. Since each mountain is on a different part of the island, they cast different shadows then one would expect if they were placed next to each other. I hope to have it complete within 4-6 weeks. I also will relocate an item- the Arrow, add the Staff, and slightly relocate a couple of items. I will also be adding the Blast door map. I may add some small streams also.


Matt said...

I'm really looking forward to your updated map with real-world mountains superimposed.

I put down my sporatic map project for a while [though it has advanced quite a bit from the pic you posted for me a while ago]. I'm now working on a much more abstract map based mainly on distance and direction arcs between main sites and site clusters.

The first thing that immediately jumps out is that the ideal shape of LOST Island may be considerably more 'circular' than the Rousseau Map - that is a dominant axis is far less incompatible with the main distance and direction arcs than a more 'blob' shape.

Will be keeping an eye out for your upcoming map..

John Fox said...

When Locke and company are heading to the statue to see Jacob, the ocean is on their right-hand side. They pass the Lostie's original camp along the way, meaning the statue is south of the camp, not north as it appears on your map.

TheLostMap said...


Thanks for your and visiting the Map. When Locke travels toward toward the canmp, he does, for short sections travel with the water on his right hand side. Please see

The location of the Statue was pretty well established when Sayid, Jin, and Sun saw it sailing north of the camp to rendezvous with Jack, Michael, Sawyer, Hurley, and Kate.
Please see:


John Fox said...

Ah, that's interesting

Matt said...

John Fox's comment about the location of the Statue gets to the heart of what I consider to be one of the most debatable inconsistencies in LOST. Either it is north of the camp as seen on the early season boat trip, or south per Locke's trek much later in the show. Actually I refer to the relative directions as either clockwise or counter-clockwise along the shore with respect to the camp.

While I appreciate TLM effort to reconcile left/right sea issues with Locke's trek, the direction of his travel along the coast is none the less pretty unambiguously in a counter-clockwise direction, putting the Statue south of the camp. If you place the camp more or less at the south of the island as most people do the statue lies to the south/east.

Drama in the closing seasons involves lots of travel between the camp, Orchid/Statue, Helicopter landing zone, Desmond's Well, and Locke's camp off the shore of Hydra Island, which don't square up well at all with the Statue being clockwise up the coast - to the north and west. By my estimation all this activity is basically on a SE axis, consistent with the Statue being in a counter-clockwise direction.

To reconciled these apparent dual locations I propose that we classify the boat siting of the Statue as a sort of chimera, a little trick or omen the Island played on the 3 of them [and us too]. After all they didn't actually visit the site - they simply sited it. The incident falls into a similar category as the Lighthouse, which, if we accept Jack's comment of "why didn't we ever see it before" at face value, must have been fairly close to the camp yet invisible...

TheLostMap said...

Could you please post a map with the locations that you are proposing? I'm having a hard time understanding where you believe the camp, the statue, and the various locations that you mention in your post are located. If I have a map of your proposed locations, it would provide me with an understanding of where you believe the locations are. Thanks, TheLOStmap

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt said...


Sorry for the long delay - life gets in the way! I'll try get you a copy of the latest iteration next week.

I have not finished the highly abstracted version yet - just cleaned up the Rousseau based map from a while back so it's more understandable.


Gavin said...

I miss lost so much ur godson gavin.

Jeremy said...

Im curious about this one. This feels like its the most accurate except a couple things. In the show, the tail section was a 1 hour run from the barracks, but henry's balloon was a 1 day walk from beach camp. On this map, I could see how the tail section could be a 1 hour run but not through that terrain. And on this scale, I don't see how the balloon would have taken an entire day to walk 6 or so miles.

TheLostMap said...


I can't remember why I included Henry Gales balloon. I intitialy did not include it in my map, but changed my mind. I was not very confident about this location.

The thing you have to remember is that is is far, far faster for one person to travel a beaten path (one that people even drive on)knowing where you are going then three people traveling through a dense jungle with only a hand drawn map.
I intend on releasing a major update on the map within a couple of weeks. I'll revisit the balloon then.
Thanks for your input

David said...

This is totally cool! Thanks for the map!

TheLostMap said...

@ David, thanks for the comment. There will be a major update not only in the map ( The map will be a satellite view of the actual island based upon Rousseau's map), bot also in locations. It's just taking much longer than I thought to make a realistic version of the island. Thx again.

world map continents said...

"I think the best thing you could do to convince yourself either way would be to review the scene of flight 815 breaking up yourself."
=> soooo true !! :)

Great blog and great article !


Anonymous said...

Great map keep up the good work

Seten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seten said...

Hello, My friend and I are reroducing Lost Island in OpenSim (probably reduced scale), and Id like to know which map of the island is the most accurate. What wold you recommend?

TheLostMap said...

I would use Rouseau's map, as that one is obviously the most accurate. I will be coming out with a major update in about 1 month. The updated map will mimic a real satellite view of the island. I would be interested in following your progress if that's possible

Seten said...

I plan to host it in the New World Studio grid, running off of my PC. Youll need Imprudence to view it.

Anonymous said...

Will another update come out?

TheLostMap said...

@ anonymous,

Yes, there will be a major update coming out soon.


christopher said...

Absolutely stunned at what you've done here, I don't even know where to begin the shower of compliments!!! It seems like just when I think I've reached the zenith of LOST enertainment, I come across something like this... Infinite thanks for adding to the enjoyment of LOST fans everywhere.

TheLostMap said...

Thank you Christopher.

It's nice to recieve comments when someone appreciates the work that went into the LOST map. There should be a major update to the site by this September. The map will be an arial/Satalite view of what the island would look like realistically. It will appear to be an actual view of the island.

Thanks again for your interst,


christopher said...

Looking forward to it! My daughter has your map on her wall right next to Kate's WANTED poster :) On a side note, what do you do in the maritime industry? I was a quartermaster myself back in the old days, so I appreciate your efforts all the more.

TheLostMap said...


Your daughter sounds like a real LOST fan. It must run in the family.:)
I hope I didn't inadvertently give people the impression that I have a background in the maritime industry. I don't. I'm a mechanical engineer.

christopher said...

My mistake, your Blogger profile show Maritime Industry for Occupation - I assume now that it's simply a tie-in to our work here :)

berdryn said...

Hello, I really enjoy your site and it has helped me a lot. I have started a roleplaying game focusing on the conflict of DHARMA and the others on the island and your maps have been invaluable. I was wondering if you had a blank map, one with out any points of interest in high enough quality that I can edit on my own. I would really appreciate it. ~ berdryn@hotmail.com

TheLostMap said...

@ berdryn

That map has not been released, but it may be released on the next update (September 2012).
What you should do is simply use Rousseau's map of the island. It was released at a comic-con event and also sold off as a prop. I don't have the link to it off hand, but simply Google it. You can find a high quality map on various sites. If you have problems finding it, let me know.

I would really enjoy seeing your role playing game, if it is available online. Sounds pretty cool.
Thanks for your interest in TheLOSTmap.

Joe .. said...


Are there any pending updates to the Map?

Also, I want to print a high quality version of the map for Lost stuff in my home office. Do you have a better/more detailed version available?


TheLostMap said...


Yes, there is a pending update. It's taking longer than anticipated. The update will show the island as a real island, showing the actual mountain ranges depicted in Rousseau's map in a 'real' island. The locations will also be updated. I'm expecting to have this update finished within a month.
I do work with a higher detailed version, but I don't release that, Sorry.

Thanks for your comment

Anonymous said...

some locations on your map... or a lot are totally wrong no offence mate, the beach camp is close but more in the dip of the map, the crash site is more closer to the crater, the swan is close to the river north of the crater, the barracks much further north, cable in the sand along the beach on the east side of the crater... etc just thought i'd correct you pal.

TheLostMap said...

@ Anonymous,

Thanks for your comments,

My guess is that you are using Lostie Smurfs maps to correct mine. Me and Lostie Smurf spent a lot of time collaborating on each others maps. We just didn't agree where items should be located.

I lot of locations will be changed on my next major update.
Thanks again for your interest and comments.


cyurkanin said...

GAAAHHH!!! Still waiting for the final product :) Any new timetables?

TheLostMap said...

cyurkanin said...

GAAAHHH!!! Still waiting for the final product :) Any new timetables?

I'm working on it, but it is very complicated and incredibly tedious. I'm working on a full size of 72" x 65". I want to wait until it is completed before I post it. It will be worth the wait. My best guess is 2-3 months. I should have given people updates on the expected date, and I apologize for not doing that, and I will in the future.
Thanks for you interest,


TheLostMap said...

My best guess on a release date for the undated island is mid August. Thanks for your interest

cyurkanin said...

Weeks away... :) Yes?

TheLostMap said...


andalone said...

Hi - I found the Swan Station Blueprints that you asked about on my blog. They are now available on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/79131048/8-pg-swan-station-hatch-blueprints-from?ref=sr_gallery_20&ga_search_query=lost+tv&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_page=2&ga_search_type=all

cyurkanin said...

... and 4 more months passed... :(

TheLostMap said...

The Updated map ( a birds eye view of how the island would appear in the real world, using the actual mountains depicted in Rousseau's map) should be available in early February. The island is almost complete, but the locations and treks will also be changed and updated. I will probably also update the website itself. The island update was much harder then I anticipated and I tried to make it detailed enough to appear real.

Sorry for the delay


TheLostMap said...

I'm shooting for the second week of March to update this site with a new 'real view' of the island and updated locations and treks. Thank you for your patience.


cyurkanin said...

Woohoo! {he said after patiently waiting for a year and a half...}

cyurkanin said...

Third week of March now... just saying... ;)

TheLostMap said...

Unfortunately, due to am unforeseen complication, the map may never be updated.

cyurkanin said...

Well, that's kind of crushing. Sorry for you after all the work you've obviously put in. What was the problem?

Robbie said...

Dear TheLostMap

I'd be curious to see where you would change various locations on your current 2D map (there is no need for a 3D version), is there a chance you will ever update the version above with revised locations as previously stated?

TheLostMap said...

Wow. I was very surprised that someone left a comment.

The realistic map is complete with updated locations. With the benefit of hind-site and more time to study the maps, there are changes in locations.

Unfortunately, it will still take me 2-3 months before I'm able to update the web-site. It takes an enormous amount of time to redo the site.
I needed to develop a island based timeline that showed each day on the island. My timeline is not a synopsis of that day, but a scene by scene summary of each day. That took a very long time, but it is complete
The problem is that there are over 80 maps in the website that have to be completely redone. I've completed just about 1/2 of them. It will be 2 or 3 months before I'm able to finish them and update the site. I still haven't decided if I'm going to change the appearance of the site.
It's funny, but every time I watch the show, I find some small item that I missed before.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Here to remind you that this is an amazing project and you're a beautiful person for spending a literal 11+ years on it.

Anonymous said...

^ P.S. Island in The Sun is one of my favorite songs too. Weezer rocks hard.

TheLostMap said...

@ Anonymous,
Thank you for your compliment. I'm should be able to release the update within a couple of months. The updated will show everyday they are on the island. I was close to releasing the update but then had to change all the maps. I'm still working on that. There are 120 maps.

I don't remember saying Island in the Sun was one of my favorite songs, but it is a fun song that I really like. I think my favorite Weezer song is Only in Dreams.

Anonymous said...

@TheLostMap: My mistake - I saw Island In The Sun listed on your Blogger profile, but now realize it's just part of the theme of other "Island" stuff on your favorites table.

Can't wait to see this all come together!

Choekaas said...

Hi TheLostMap!

Wanted to let you know that I've been making a video series where I track all the treks and journeys on the show in my own map (satellite map). I reference you as one of the best mappers out there in the beginning and we share a lot of the locations. At least in your 2010 map. And there's some thing we disagree upon.
